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Parchment Goddess B: Parchment Collection Candleholder ~ Altar
Ostara Blessings Witch: Parchment Collection Candleholder ~ Sabbats, Altar
Spirit Element Parchment Candleholder: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, offering, spirit
Bears: Totems Parchment Collection Candleholder: Familiar, Altar, ritual
Bunny: Totems Parchment Collection Candleholder: Familiar, Altar, ritual
Cernunnos: Parchment Collection ~God, buck, vintage candle, offering, fullmoon
Odin: Parchment Collection Candleholder: Norse, viking, alchemist, vintage
Norse Manuscript: Parchment Collection Candleholder: viking, alchemist, vintage
Loki: Parchment Collection Candleholder: Norse, viking, alchemist, vintage
A Very Merry Yule: Parchment Collection Candleholder, Christmas, Yule,sabbats
Alchemy C: Parchment Collection Candleholder, Witch, Witchery, Alche
Protection in Parchment: vintage, hamsa hand, third eye, gypsy, seer, evil eye
Book of the Dead in Parchment: vintage, skull, gothic, macabre, cemetery
The Alchemist Tree in Parchment: vintage, alchemist, witchery, pagan, old world
Forest Witch Collection ~ Gathering of the Mistletoe: Sacred, sabbats, Yule
Forest Witch Collection ~ Yule Greetings: Sacred, sabbats, Yule
Forest Witch Collection ~Forest Witch: Sacred, feminine, witche
Forest Witch Collection ~Flight of the Witches: Sacred, feminine, witchery
Forest Witch Collection ~The Anointing: Sacred, feminine, witchery
Forest Witch Collection ~The Conjuring: Sacred, feminine, witchery