Nov 10, 2018
Samhain 2018 Celebration: "The Forest Witches"
For our Samhain 2018 celebration theme we have created "The Forest Witches." The song we chose is called: The Summoning of the Gods by...

Nov 8, 2018
Our Hecate Altar for our 2018 Samhain celebration
Here is our Hecate Altar for our 2018 Samhain celebration! We are absolutely in love with it! Hope you enjoy! Accompanied by music so be...

Nov 7, 2018
Snack time for our Samhain festivities
Our Samhain festivities snacks were scrumptiously delicious!! Our Snacks were: Bubbly Hard cider: Turn up your volume to hear the...

Nov 6, 2018
Honoring our Ancestors Altar 2018
Honoring our Ancestors altar Hope you enjoy! Lost but never forgotten!

Nov 2, 2018
Ancestors came to Visit for our Samhain celebration
Some of our Ancestors came to visit for our Samhain celebration! Be sure to turn up your volume to the accompanied music. Song: American...

Oct 31, 2018
2018 Offerings to Hecate this Samhain season
Hope everyone had a happy and safe Samhain/Halloween with your friends and family. We added still pictures as well as of course, adding...

Oct 31, 2018
The Veil is Thinning
The veil is thinning.....Let the festivities begin!! This is also a great time to communicate with your crossed over loved ones and...

Sep 12, 2018
Sleep like the Dead Tea in our Poison Garden
What a great way to start off the best season ever! The Samhain (sow-en) Halloween season with crisp evening air and our Sleep like the...

Sep 2, 2018
Gothic Tea with Poe
What better way to kick off the fun of the approaching Fall season with a little gothic tea with Poe! As always our videos are...

Aug 9, 2018
Sneak Peak of our Ritual Circle
A sneak peak of our Ritual circle before our actual ritual. We are showing the burning of one of our sweet offering bundles. We never...