Nov 3, 2017
Samhain Hecate Mini Altar
Enjoy a video of our Mini Altar Burning for our Hecate Goddess during our Samhain Celebration! (turn up your volume)

Nov 2, 2017
The Story of this Special Spirit Board
The Spirit board in this video is very near and dear to my heart. One of which I will never part with. That is because it was created...

Aug 13, 2017
Our Lughnasadh/Lammas: Green Man Offering
On this Altar we offered up Grains, breads, grapes, wine, cheeses and beer to our God. This altar came with a very powerful vibration! I...

Jul 3, 2017
From Nothing, to Something: Garden Pic Update!
Now that the Litha celebration is over, I have a minute to catch you up with what's been growing on the grounds at Wicked House. As you...

Jun 26, 2017
Our Summer Solstice ~ The Garden Altar
This is our Garden Altar for Summer Solstice. I LOVE our Garden Altar. It sits right in the middle of our Magickal Portal. When we first...

Jun 26, 2017
Our Summer Solstice ~ Goddess at First Light
After the completion of our Litha Loom, we moved onto our Garden Goddess. We wanted to call upon our Goddess inviting her to be present...

Jun 26, 2017
Our Summer Solstice ~ Litha's Loom
This morning was a beautiful Litha morning. It's around 5:15 am and my daughter and I are up early having our morning coffee and scones,...

Jun 22, 2017
Crazy Busy...Quick Update
Wicked House has been a little crazy busy, so I am a smidge behind in our blogs. School is just getting out, so I have been busy helping...

Jun 7, 2017
When the Rain Stopped
Finally, a chance to work in the yard. At our new place the house is smaller, but the yard is huge and has nothing but a sprinkler...