Nov 3, 2017
Samhain Hecate Mini Altar
Enjoy a video of our Mini Altar Burning for our Hecate Goddess during our Samhain Celebration! (turn up your volume)

Nov 1, 2017
Prosperity Pumpkin Spell Demonstration
This is a demonstration only of our Samhain Prosperity Pumpkin Spell. Our actual prosperity pumpkin spell we completed for ourselves we...

Nov 1, 2017
Hecate Altar inside Wicked House
Our Hecate Altar that is up and lit daily; we love it so much, not just for Samhain! Make sure and turn up your volume!

Jul 14, 2017
Garden Magick
Sorry about the gap in blogs! BUT we have been very busy creating our Herb garden Twig fence out of two more of our trimmed trees. Today,...

Jun 11, 2017
Edgar, Allan, and Poe
Today was another beautiful day here at Wicked House. As I was sitting on the back deck, having my coffee and planning out my next...