Nov 3, 2017
Samhain Hecate Mini Altar
Enjoy a video of our Mini Altar Burning for our Hecate Goddess during our Samhain Celebration! (turn up your volume)

Nov 2, 2017
The Story of this Special Spirit Board
The Spirit board in this video is very near and dear to my heart. One of which I will never part with. That is because it was created...

Jul 16, 2017
Fairy Sighting in the Garden!
Just a quick post! Today, I was going through my camera deleting pics and videos that I was not keeping and there was one short video...

Jun 27, 2017
Our Summer Solstice ~ Honoring the Fae
The Fairy Fae came out to play. I wish they could of stayed all day! This beautiful Solstice day, we made an offering tray of herbs from...

Jun 6, 2017
Crash and Burn....
Our next huge endeavor was our Move and Wicked House had 59 days to try and pull this one off. We weren't just moving a 3,000 sqft. home;...