Our Summer Solstice ~ Honoring the Fae

The Fairy Fae came out to play. I wish they could of stayed all day! This beautiful Solstice day, we made an offering tray of herbs from the herb gardens, crystals and sparkling trinkets. We offered a yummy Fairy Nectar with a mini Lemon tart garnished with sweet berries, a cut out sun sugar cookie and some of our sweet sugar nibbles.
In preparing of the Fairy Nectar, I made enough for all of

us to share with the fairies and woodland spirits. We decided to use our "Honoring of the Fae" Incense blend. We always enjoy anything involving fairies and woodland spirits mainly because you never know who or what will make an appearance or what odd things will be caught on your camera. They had already made their presence known earlier in the day on our big Garden Altar. So I was hoping that they were still willing to come out and play with the spirits of nature, you just never know.
So with our nectars in hand, we offered up our tray of goodies, casted mini crystals in the garden, raised our glasses and toasted the fairies and their woodland friends and invited them to our celebration. We then lighted our incense blend and started photographing. Here is two of our favorite pics. This woodland spirit kept appearing over and over in our incense pics.

Then we played with our "Fiery Spirit" for a while. Here are some of our favorite pics that were taken during our Cauldron of Fire. What do you see?
We also got some beautiful light anomalies that came through on the camera. I took pics all day long and never got any kind of light anomalies. Only in our fairy garden. So I added them to our slideshow for you to see.
When our time was spent, we thanked our friends for coming and bid them a safe return home and we all went our separate ways.
Fairy Offerings Video 1 Below (Make sure you turn up the Volume)
Fairy Offerings Video 2 Below (Make sure you turn up the Volume)