Nov 1, 2017
Prosperity Pumpkin Spell Demonstration
This is a demonstration only of our Samhain Prosperity Pumpkin Spell. Our actual prosperity pumpkin spell we completed for ourselves we...

Oct 31, 2017
Rowan Protection Altar Charms for Samhain
The Rowan has a reputation of it's protective properties. The Wood and Berries are used in magic and the living tree itself is believed...

Aug 12, 2017
Our Lughnasadh/Lammas: Harvest Goddess Offering
This year we cut short some of our activities due to the fact that we are going to Whidbey Island to spend the day with my dearest...

Jul 20, 2017
A Little More Garden Magick
Some more of our Magickal Garden and friends! Our completed twig fence and our little bun-Bun had a run in with a not so friendly animal...

Jul 16, 2017
Fairy Sighting in the Garden!
Just a quick post! Today, I was going through my camera deleting pics and videos that I was not keeping and there was one short video...

Jul 14, 2017
Garden Magick
Sorry about the gap in blogs! BUT we have been very busy creating our Herb garden Twig fence out of two more of our trimmed trees. Today,...

Jun 27, 2017
Our Summer Solstice ~ Honoring the Fae
The Fairy Fae came out to play. I wish they could of stayed all day! This beautiful Solstice day, we made an offering tray of herbs from...

Jun 22, 2017
Crazy Busy...Quick Update
Wicked House has been a little crazy busy, so I am a smidge behind in our blogs. School is just getting out, so I have been busy helping...

Jun 13, 2017
Moon Goddess
Today, I'm going to share with you our own version of our Moon Goddess. The Goddess I'm going to use has been many things here at Wicked...

Jun 12, 2017
Nature's Weaving Loom
So today I am back in the yard. I'm really digging our huge yard where we are now living. I have so many ideas in my head and I'm very...