Edgar, Allan, and Poe

Today was another beautiful day here at Wicked House. As I was sitting on the back deck, having my coffee and planning out my next project, pictures started running through my head of every little thing in the yard that nature has to offer and everything I had brought from our old gardens. When my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of crows. One of my favorite spirit animals. The sound of the crows made me miss our crows from the old place. We had 3 house crows there. I'm sure know their names now due to the title of this blog. Poe and I were extremely close. He would always come and tap for me wherever I was to get my attention at the window. If I was working outside he would tap to get my attention. He would come to me if I called for him that's how close we were. Even if I hadn't seen and felt worried about him he would show up to tap for me to let me know he was ok. Even when we go visit neighbors in our old stomping grounds he still looks me up when I call for him.
So today I decided to build a piece of art out of nature. So I'm making a giant crows nest out of roots and tree limbs that I have in a big pile of yard clean up. First, I cut out a flower bed where I wanted it to sit. Then, I took one of our fire copper pits as its base. Keeping the nest off the ground will help the life of the nest. Plus, the pit has drainage holes so it won't fill up with water. I also decided to leave the leaves on the branches to help give the feel of a naturally built bird nest as the leaves dried. Once the nest base was formed and all tied together I then, created the bottom inside of the nest and because it is spring time, I added sphagnum moss and tree moss in with the sticks so that birds on the grounds of Wicked House could take what they wanted to make their own little nest high up in the treetops.
Here's what the first stage looked like (yep, it looks like a big pile of nothing) But as it starts to wither a beautiful crows' nest starts to emerge. Next, I add rocks found on the grounds to the base of the crows' nest to add a little pop to my nest. I then went online to see what baby crow eggs looked like and painted 3 large crow eggs for my nest. One for Edgar, one for Allan, and one for Poe and added them to my nest.

Here's a little slideshow of our finished crows nest. Just a funny add note: two days later I found one crow feather next to the nest. A Thank you from my Spirit Animal.