Jul 8, 2018
Poison Garden Lunch n' Tea for two
Enjoying a little afternoon lunch and tea in the Poison Garden over the weekend! Great way to escape and feel like you are going on a...

May 1, 2018
Beltane Wishes in the Breeze 2018
This is our Goddaughter's Special Apple Birthing tree where her parents buried her placenta. Our Beltane Wishes are being sent to the...

May 1, 2018
Merry Beltane 2018
Merry Beltane from our Wicked House to yours! Turn up your volume! Music is accompanying our Beltane table setting! Hope all your wishes...

May 1, 2018
Beltane Effigy Offering 2018
Our handmade Effigy Beltane offering during our Sabbat celebration! Music is accompanying our video so be sure to turn up your volume!...

Mar 20, 2018
Blessed Ostara 2018
Hope everyone had a Blessed Ostara. We had a wonderful time. Here below is a video of our Ostara décor. We had such a great time creating...

Jan 30, 2018
Imbolc Blessings 2018
Imbolc Blessings to all of you Wicked Lovelies! Our First sabbat of the New Year and the first signs of Spring! Our Goddess Brigid is...

Dec 19, 2017
Wicked House's Winter Wonderland
We have turned the inside of our Wicked House into a Winter Wonderland! So many amazing pictures and vibes were felt while creating our...

Dec 18, 2017
Cernunnos Yule Altar 2017
Tis the Season Wicked Lovelies! Its time to start our Yule pics of Wicked House! Cernunnos is one of our favorites to honor during the...

Nov 6, 2017
Our Spooky Samhain Dinner
Our Table décor changed for our Spooky Samhain dinner. We wanted our guests to be delighted and enchanted throughout their whole...

Nov 5, 2017
Before the Guests Arrive: Venture through Wicked House for Samhain and our Spooky Hor d'oeurves
Let's take a walk through Wicked House for Samhain! As well as try our Spooky Hor d'oeurves! So, turn up your volume and Let's take a...