Welcome to Wicked House's Blog!

I'm not 100% sure why I'm starting this blog. Maybe because my guides are always telling me I'm suppose to write in this life. Write what? I'm no novelist. I once wrote a short story for my daughter's 1st grade classroom, but never thought of publishing it. I wasn't that impressed with it.
I was born into this life with a few special gifts. I wouldn't call myself psychic, I'm not comfortable with that word. I feel that to be called a psychic means that you have the whole package and you are in control of all of them. I more of what I would call an Intuitive witch. I only see in pictures and in silent movie style reels. I also have prophetic dreams and meditations. My gifts have been growing and they never cease to amaze me. I have been told by my guides and other people that I am a healer in this life and have experienced some amazing things in that area. For me, healing is not something I can do, it's that I'm the vessel to which the other side can use to heal. So the word healer, not comfortable with.
When it comes to my gifts I have been very guarded with them and don't like to put myself out there too much. So is this what I'm supposed to write about? My journey in this life? To share my thoughts and creativity, and conversations from the other side with my sister witches? I really don't know. My girls are always telling me that I should write everything down in a book. I always laugh and say, "oh yeah, and we would call it, Mama's Random Book of Crap." I don't think it would make it on the 10 best sellers list. Maybe it's about letting people in.
I always wanted to share the things I made, but never thought anyone would be interested in buying my creative items, but now I'm creating and selling my creative things on Wicked House and people seem to love them. Maybe THIS is the next step in this life's journey. But for whatever the reason, I'm going to give it a go. I guess my blogs will be my book of random crap. In them I will share thoughts and ideas, gardens, recipes, trips, my journeys with guides, meditations, information that comes through from higher beings and much more.
Please remember that in my sharing with you, that the information that comes through are just my thoughts and interpretations of what I learned on my journey. You can take it as food for thought. Take away what you want that resonates with you and leave the rest behind. So I'm ending this blog by saying, "Here goes nothing and Welcome to Wicked House's Blog."