Big Changes for Wicked House!
I'm going to kick today's Blog off by bringing everyone up to speed on what has transpired since Oct. 2016 (the short version of course)

Our first major change took place on a beautiful Fall morning. We had just gotten a bunch of new items finished, photographed and ready to put up on our shoppe, but to our surprise our site had been suspended. Come to find out (the vultures, (a.k.a. Etsy) had swooped in for the kill on Wicked House. We knew that a lot of our sister shop owners had been hit and some of them just left to start a new online website, but we had not really been touched yet. But when the vultures did show up, they had picked Wicked House clean (like we were roadkill). By the time they were done we were no longer the beautiful Pagan shop we had once dreamed of being. Looks like the Witch haters burned two more witches at the stake. Pretty soon there will be none on Etsy to find.
When asked why, we were told (that they had the right to refuse anyone they wanted for any reason) My response, "that's all the answer you are going to give us?" The next thing they did was to block us from all of our listings, our clients email addresses, photos of our items, etc. And if they hadn't done enough to us already, they were going to hold our money until March 6, 2017 of the next year! (What the hell?) Their response to that one? "We are going to hold that money in case someone decides to make a claim against us for a refund". Now, we are feeling raped, robbed and burnt at the stake. It was utter bullshit. Wicked House was officially out of business.
So after going through the three stages of grief. Wicked House decided that it must be a sign for us to step it up and create an online store where we could do and sell whatever wanted (to be true to oneself). I'll tell you what, it is way easier to start a shoppe when we only had 50 or so items, but Wicked House had been growing for over 6 plus years. That's a lot of photos to take and listings to write! not to mention, creating a whole new website, but we are happy now to say that after the Death of our Etsy site, Wicked House has re-birthed into a beautiful online shoppe of our very own.
Its not perfect, still needs to be tweaked in certain areas, but all in all we are Blessed to be up and running again so that we can get back into what we LOVE doing (sharing with all of you) and as for Esty? Well all I'm going to say is (Karma's a bitch and she's coming to getcha)