"After the Move - in "
Now the fun begins. The best part of moving is playing house. I just love this part. Pictures start running through my head of everything I own and of everything I need that I don't own. I know, I'm kind of the strange duck in the pond. Everything, every spot in my house looks like a picture. I guess that's where the saying comes from, 'It was picture perfect'. That definitely sums up our Wicked House. So today, I played in our inside Garden Apothecary. I love having the look of outside coming into the inside. I love it for entertaining and I love it for Sabbats.
Living here in Washington state, the weather is all over the place, so you never can really plan ahead for outdoor events; not without a backup plan. With an inside garden room you never have to worry about mother nature cause this Mama has it covered. Here are some pics of what transpired in our inside Garden Apothecary room with one of our fireplaces.