Jun 8, 2017
Crows at the Crossroads
A crow story I want to share. One evening we headed over to our old cemetery to collect some more consecrated dirt for our shoppe. I had...

Jun 7, 2017
When the Rain Stopped
Finally, a chance to work in the yard. At our new place the house is smaller, but the yard is huge and has nothing but a sprinkler...

Jun 7, 2017
"After the Move - in "
Now the fun begins. The best part of moving is playing house. I just love this part. Pictures start running through my head of everything...

Jun 6, 2017
Crash and Burn....
Our next huge endeavor was our Move and Wicked House had 59 days to try and pull this one off. We weren't just moving a 3,000 sqft. home;...