Crows at the Crossroads

A crow story I want to share. One evening we headed over to our old cemetery to collect some more consecrated dirt for our shoppe. I had noticed the last time we were there, there was a crossroad smack dab in the middle of the cemetery. So while we were there I decided to dig up some dirt for our new Hecate crossroad dirt. Digging up this crossroad dirt was not anything that I have experienced inside the gates of this old cemetery.
As we approached the crossroad, the cemetery went totally silent. Not a sound was heard except for the crunching of dried pine needles, sticks and earth under our feet. There was no more breeze blowing the large old trees that have lived there for over a hundred years. It was so surreal. As I stood there in the middle of the crossroad just absorbing every sensation that was running through my body at that moment. (side note: I have a blessed shovel and blessed container for our consecrated dirt and we always offer a prayer before taking).
As I bent down I looked up one more time at my daughter. The second my shovel pierced the ground there came an almost a sonic boom sound with a gust of wind. As I looked up, I saw hundreds crows that shot out of tops of four surrounding pine trees. I looked up at my daughter and said, "holy crap, what just happened?" I did continue to dig up the crossroad dirt as the crows continued to circle above. As I finished up digging, the crows had dissipated and the cemetery came back to life with sounds of nature. Here's a picture of our Hecate's Crossroad dirt. Available for purchase at our shoppe now! Located in our New Goodies and Apothecary sections of our shoppe or you can keyword into our Search Engine.