Aug 13, 2017
Our Lughnasadh/Lammas Activities
Today we made our Traditional Corn Dolls and Brooms. We incorporated our Dolls for our table setting and our brooms and maiden masks were...

Aug 13, 2017
Our Lughnasadh/Lammas: Green Man Offering
On this Altar we offered up Grains, breads, grapes, wine, cheeses and beer to our God. This altar came with a very powerful vibration! I...

Aug 12, 2017
Our Lughnasadh/Lammas: Harvest Goddess Offering
This year we cut short some of our activities due to the fact that we are going to Whidbey Island to spend the day with my dearest...

Jul 20, 2017
A Little More Garden Magick
Some more of our Magickal Garden and friends! Our completed twig fence and our little bun-Bun had a run in with a not so friendly animal...

Jul 14, 2017
Garden Magick: Just had to share!
Just wanted to share with you how gorgeous our Litha Loom looks since it has completely dried! I just love the glow of the sunlight as it...

Jul 3, 2017
From Nothing, to Something: Garden Pic Update!
Now that the Litha celebration is over, I have a minute to catch you up with what's been growing on the grounds at Wicked House. As you...

Jun 29, 2017
Our Summer Solstice ~ The Feast
After performing our Solstice ritual it was time to share in a feast inside our Apothecary Garden. I always prepare a sit down meal for...

Jun 28, 2017
Our summer Solstice ~ Something to Remember (Litha Crafts)
As I talked about in an earlier blog, I love having collaborative nature projects that everyone can participate in. It's a way for all to...

Jun 27, 2017
Our Summer Solstice ~ Honoring the Fae
The Fairy Fae came out to play. I wish they could of stayed all day! This beautiful Solstice day, we made an offering tray of herbs from...

Jun 26, 2017
Our Summer Solstice ~ The Garden Altar
This is our Garden Altar for Summer Solstice. I LOVE our Garden Altar. It sits right in the middle of our Magickal Portal. When we first...